Fill out the form below to contact you.
Phone Number
Town —Please choose an option—AdejeAronaGranadilla de AbonaGuía de IsoraSan Miguel de Abona
Address of the house
You have a license —Please choose an option—YesNo
You have Excavation —Please choose an option—YesNo
Access area for machinery —Please choose an option—Easy AccessAccess Hard
Type of pool —Please choose an option—Swimming pool with skimmersOverflowing Pool
Pool dimensions
Estimated budget
Salt chlorinator —Please choose an option—YesNo
pH dosing device —Please choose an option—YesNo
Heat Pump —Please choose an option—YesNo
Cover —Please choose an option—Manual CoverAutomátic CoverNo cover
Lighting —Please choose an option—YesNo
Projector —Please choose an option—LEDRGB
Against the current equipment —Please choose an option—SiNo
Waterfall / Fountain —Please choose an option—SiNo
Do you have a quotation from another company? —Please choose an option—YesNo
In case you have another estimate, please attach it here.
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